Thursday, July 11, 2013

Normalisation for NITs

From 2013, NITs and other centrally funded technical institutions agreed to scrap away with individual exams and accept the IITJEE normalisation.
But this has risen to many students scoring lower ranks inspite of securing high JEE scores.

The normalisation from this year, for all technical institutions, except the IITs, is 60 per cent weightage to the JEE (Main) scores and 40 per cent to class XII marks. The IITs take into account only their JEE (Main) and JEE (Advanced) scores.
For NIT aspirants, the formula is a puzzle;
Crack this: the 40 per cent weightage for board exam marks will be further split in two. Twenty per cent will be the normalised score of the board, taking ranks into consideration, and the other 20 per cent will be taken from the JEE (Main) scores of the particular board’s 
Experts who managed to calculate scores and normalise them based on the formula predicted that the marking system will be beneficial to students who have scored well in their board exams.
This is exactly what happened when the rank list was published.
Some students have seen their leads of 50 odd marks in JEE mains being totally wiped out by a meer trail of 5 odd marks in Boards examinations. Worse, there are instances where a difference of only 5-7 marks in boards has set a student back by as much 2000 rank.
For instance - 
A gets 206 in JEE Mains and 92.2 % in boards, and B gets 184 in Mains but 95.2% in boards (both are from CBSE). But A with 95.2% board marks has a rank of 8803 as compared to the other, who lags him by almost 5000 ranks at 12960. This means that a candidate who gets 22 more marks in mains, but trails another by 15 marks in boards is 5000 ranks inferior to him according to the selection committee.

 Here are some Data from a Facebook pageComplicated Normalization of Marks riles JEE aspirants.

Board : CBSE
Marks -235, % - 96, AIR 1962
Marks- 252, %- 93.3, AIR 2500

Board : CBSE
Marks -164, % - 87, AIR 43827
Marks- 160, %- 96, AIR 8500 

Board : Maharashtra
Marks- 166, %- 86, AIR 16,000
Marks- 165, %- 84, AIR 35,119

Board : CBSE
Marks- 330, %-92, AIR-900
LAST YEAR for 330 marks it would have been under 100 or under 50 rank for sure.

Board : CBSE
Marks- 203, %-96.6, AIR 2905
Marks- 240, %-87, AIR 11498
Marks- 179, %- 81, AIR 47,000

Board : AP
Marks- 187, %- 97, AIR 9000
Marks- 160, %-99, AIR 10,000

Board : ISCE
Marks- 204, %-94.4, AIR 11236

Though the primary aim was to encourage a single board if education by the center (CBSE) and discourage the coaching institutions which have become a mobey making venture it makes one ponder ... should the selection commitee achieve its aim at the cost of the students aspiration and dreams of entering top Colleges in the country..... 

Friday, May 17, 2013


The most pondered question asked when a CBSE student applies for a BE at Anna university is
' Is there any preference given to CBSE students '
Well the answer is NO ...

Even though the University claims that it neutralizes the marks, theoretically it is negligible.
Neutralizing/ normalisation of marks is that the highest of all the boards are taken and marks neutralized  Say if the highest in Maths in CBSE is 99 and State is 100 then 1 mark is neutralized for CBSE students. But even if there is one student who has attained a centum in CBSE then it stands equal. The irony here is that there would be a 100 students with cent um in State board but just two in CBSE. 

Let's take the case of CBSE topper last year (2012), he scored centum in Maths and Physics and 97 in Chemistry. Think 98% was the highest in Chemistry. Hence the neutralism mark was 1/200 were 100(Maths)+50(Phy)+49(Chem)- 199/200 for CBSE and 200/200 for state.

But since the topper itself had a 1 mark difference he would have jumped to a 0.5, if the TNEA had been fair. But its rarely done. Moreover one can track only when he is a topper, what about the rest ?

SASTRA University is said to admit students through fair neutralization. They display the registered number along with marks at the time of counselling and one can claim if there is any discrepancies.

Its just the way the Education System works...

Good Luck and Best Wishes in your Admissions....